Interface TOptionsBase


  • TOptionsBase


context?: any

Used for contexts (eg. male\female)

count?: number

Count value used for plurals

defaultValue?: any

Default value to return if a translation was not found

fallbackLng?: FallbackLng

Override language to lookup key if not found see fallbacks for details

interpolation?: InterpolationOptions

Override interpolation options

joinArrays?: string

Char, eg. '\n' that arrays will be joined by (can be set globally too)

keySeparator?: string | false

Override char to separate keys

lng?: string

Override language to use

lngs?: readonly string[]

Override languages to use

ns?: Namespace<string>

Override namespaces (string or array)

nsSeparator?: string | false

Override char to split namespace from key

ordinal?: boolean

Ordinal flag for ordinal plurals

postProcess?: string | readonly string[]

String or array of postProcessors to apply see interval plurals as a sample

replace?: any

Object with vars for interpolation - or put them directly in options

returnDetails?: boolean

Returns an object that includes information about the used language, namespace, key and value

returnObjects?: boolean

Accessing an object not a translation string (can be set globally too)

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