authWhen defined, overrides BaseClickHouseClientConfigOptions.auth for this particular request.
undefined (no override)
clickhouse_ClickHouse's settings that can be applied on query level.
columnsAllows to specify which columns the data will be inserted into. Accepts either an array of strings (column names) or an object of InsertColumnsExcept type. Examples of generated queries:
['a', 'b']
will generate: INSERT INTO table (a, b) FORMAT DataFormat
{ except: ['a', 'b'] }
will generate: INSERT INTO table (* EXCEPT (a, b)) FORMAT DataFormat
By default, the data is inserted into all columns of the InsertParams.table,
and the generated statement will be: INSERT INTO table FORMAT DataFormat
See also: https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/sql-reference/statements/insert-into
formatFormat of the dataset to insert. Default: JSONCompactEachRow
query_A specific query_id
that will be sent with this request.
If it is not set, a random identifier will be generated automatically by the client.
query_Parameters for query binding. https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/interfaces/http/#cli-queries-with-parameters
roleA specific list of roles to use for this query. If it is not set, BaseClickHouseClientConfigOptions.role will be used.
undefined (no override)
session_A specific ClickHouse Session id for this query. If it is not set, BaseClickHouseClientConfigOptions.session_id will be used.
undefined (no override)
Name of a table to insert into.
A dataset to insert.
Generated using TypeDoc
AbortSignal instance to cancel a request in progress.