Interface AmqpConnectionManagerOptions


  • AmqpConnectionManagerOptions


connectionOptions?: AmqpConnectionOptions

Connection options, passed as options to the amqplib.connect() method.

findServers?: ((callback) => void) | (() => Promise<ConnectionUrl | ConnectionUrl[]>)

findServers is a function that which returns one or more servers to connect to. This should return either a single URL or an array of URLs. This is handy when you're using a service discovery mechanism such as Consul or etcd. Instead of taking a callback, this can also return a Promise. Note that if this is supplied, then urls is ignored.

Type declaration

    • (callback): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

Type declaration

heartbeatIntervalInSeconds?: number

Interval to send heartbeats to broker. Defaults to 5 seconds.

reconnectTimeInSeconds?: number

The time to wait before trying to reconnect. If not specified, defaults to heartbeatIntervalInSeconds.

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